

双注册课程 allow high school students to earn both high school graduation requirement credits and Rhode Island College credits. Credits are applied to your RIC transcript when you enroll at RIC, or may be transferred to hundreds of colleges or universities accepting RIC credits.


  • 双注册课程 are part of the college’s regular schedule and are taught by RIC faculty. 
  • High school students who wish to take courses through dual enrollment are considered non-degree students.
  • High school students attending RI public high schools do not have to pay the cost of tuition or fees to attend part-time (for fall and spring courses included as dual enrollment offerings), as long as the courses are approved by their high school counselor as fulfilling a graduation requirement.
  • 的 cost of books and associated course materials will be covered by students' schools or districts, 如果这门课是为了获得高中学分.
  • 登记 is done online and students must first create a user account to access the registration system at their designated registration appointment time. 
  • 登记 is on a space-available basis in late August for fall classes and in early January for spring classes. (参见学院的新非学位注册日期 校历 每学期.) 
  • Dual enrollment course credits may be transferred to many other colleges. 更多关于国际扶轮内部学分转移的信息.



以满足严格的大学水平的工作, students wishing to take dual enrollment courses should have a high school GPA of at least 3.0和初级或高级地位. 

Please Note: Exceptions to the GPA cutoff or grade level status must have the recommendation of the school counselor, 学校行政人员和/或教师.


看看这个 课程目录中的课程 and meet with your school counselor to select courses that will contribute to your high school 需求. It's important to always have more than one course option approved by your counselor, since a course may be closed by your registration appointment time. 

Please Note: 的 Prepare RI 双录取 Fund only applies to students receiving both high school and college credit. 


学生必须首先创建一个 新的非学位在线注册帐户 为了注册双注册课程. After creating the account the student will be 电子邮件ed registration instructions and a specified appointment time to access the registration system. 

Current or past EEP students will need to contact the Registrar's Office at 401-456-8213 建立他们在学校上课的帐户. 


Dual enrollment students register approximately one week before classes begin, 和新的非学位生在同一天. 这些日期可以在学院的 校历.

At your designated appointment time, use your username and password to access MyRIC 注册一门课程.


Remember that you are responsible for meeting the course expectations, 需求, 并遵循课程大纲. This information will be given to you by the instructor at the beginning of each course. 的 syllabus will tell you what you can expect to learn and what is expected from you such as:

  • an overview of course content and learning objectives for the course
  • 有截止日期的阅读作业
  • 论文,测试,口头报告或项目要求
  • an explanation of how you will be graded (grading policies)
  • 班级出勤政策, 迟到, 重新测试, 晚作业, 剽窃, 课堂教学行为 


It is your responsibility to keep up with the course deadlines. It is vital that you pay attention to withdrawal and add/drop deadlines. 你的成绩会出现在正式的大学成绩单上. If you drop the course after the deadlines or receive a failing grade, this may impact your financial aid and/or GPA during college in the future. 一门课不及格也会影响大学录取. 的 校历 列出重要的日期,如添加或删除类的最后日期. 


如果你因为任何原因想放弃一门课程, 尽快和你的学校辅导员谈谈. 的 course you've chosen counts toward your high school 需求 and dropping or failing the class may impact the credit you need for high school graduation.

Please Note: Upon completion of any course(s), students should complete a  申请成绩单表格 寄一份正式的成绩单到他们的高中. A grade will be recorded on the student’s high school transcript and official RIC transcript. 




亚历克西斯R. Rogel
